
Denver Wellness Studio Seeks to guide those who have been searching for Answers + Results regarding their health concerns in a holistic and supportive way


I focus on providing you the tools to create an internal environment where health and well-being thrive. Our bodies are designed to be in a state of health, when they are not performing optimally there is a reason. I start with the basics including but not limited to what you are eating, overall stress levels and a full assessment your internal terrain and how your detox pathways are performing. Through diet and lifestyle modifications and with the use of detoxification, botanicals and/or homeopathics the body will often return itself to a state of health.

During our time together we will peel back the layers of symptoms. By looking at symptoms as the bodies way of communicating, we will be able to navigate through any dis-ease and get to the true cause of the issue. I also utilize a biochemical wellness assessment and bio energetic testing to further gather information from the body that may have gone unnoticed.


 What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy emphasizes support, prevention and true health by first recognizing that the body has it’s own innate and natural healing abilities while working with the body to discover what stressors have caused imbalances. Natural substances and non-invasive therapies are used to assess what is causing harm to the body and removes them. Diet, stress, environment, pathogens and toxins are among some of the issues to blame. By addressing these causal factors through education and other natural therapies the body will innately return to a state balance. Naturopathy takes into account the whole person, body, mind and spirit and makes adjustments where needed to allow the body to return to a state of wholeness.

What is a Biochemical Wellness Assessment?

Do you ever wonder why you take a supplement or eat something that was recommended to you to improve your health and it has no affect at all or even worse… makes you feel awful?

If your body chemistry is not optimal, the food, supplements and nutrients you are taking in likely aren’t being utilized. Literally money down the drain. Biochemical Wellness Assessments focus on achieving an ideal body chemistry which optimizes the immune, elimination, cellular oxygenation and restorative functions of the body.

Through the BWA we are given a REAL TIME analysis of what is taking place in the bodies cells, tissues, and organs. We get glimpse of how your internal terrain is functioning and whether or not you can even utilize the nutrients your body needs to heal. This analysis has been used for over 60 years to help determine the internal terrain and it’s contribution to dis-ease.

What is Bio Energetic Testing?

Bio Energetic Testing was developed by a German physician in the 1940’s and focuses on functional disturbances. Functional disturbances are when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified on conventional lab work or traditional pathological diagnostic testing and yet they are still experiencing symptoms. Bio Energetic Testing utilizes your bodies own energy to offer a new perspective on causal issues. During a session, the bodies frequencies are measured to pinpoint possible imbalances and stressors. Bio Energetic Testing is non-invasive and yet another way to effectively and quickly gather information from the body.


 Denver Wellness Studio does not treat, cure, diagnose, heal or prevent disease. This website and services offered are for educational purposes only.